Essential Oils

I’ve had a heightened sense of awareness of chemical-laden home and personal care items for many years due to having asthma. When I became pregnant with my son, I became even more aware of everything going into and on my body and present in my home. That marked the beginning of my journey toward a goal of “cleaner” living. Better for my home, my family, myself and the earth, right? Unfortunately, many “natural” or “green” products I tried were either not effective, still contained questionable ingredients or triggered my asthma. Once I tried Young Living essential oils and their oil-based products, I realized I had found a great resource to further my goal!

I now make most of our personal care and cleaning items from scratch using essential oils and other natural ingredients. We also use essential oils to support physical and emotional wellness and they are our first line of defense for many of life’s ailments and mishaps. I love the changes I’ve seen in my family’s well-being and how our home has become less toxic. We sleep better, feel better, deal with life’s challenges better and have a home that is cleaner and smells better than ever before.

This has become a personal passion of mine. I now lead classes on detoxing your home and safely incorporating essential oils into your family’s life.

If you would like to get started with Young Living essential oils, I would be delighted to be your guide.

Young Living Independent Distributor # 2938756
