Get Started with Essential Oils

Your Oils Have Arrived–Now What?

Get familiar with your oils. Once they arrive, take them out of the box. Open each one and smell. Look at the directions on each label to see how the oil should be used (oils have different dilution recommendations and usage i.e. some oils can be used as a dietary supplement (some can’t!), used topically, or aromatically). The directions on each label are NOT for babies and children; adults only. We recommend starting with a few drops less than recommended on each label. It is best to start slowly and let your body adjust to the oils. More is not better in the case of essential oils. Use one oil at a time to start, so you won’t overload your body.


Store them in a cool, dark place away from sunlight which can degrade the efficacy of the oils. We keep them in our upper kitchen cabinets; away from curious little hands. KEEP OUT OF REACH OF CHILDREN! The oils are potent and children should not have access to them. Get more essential oil safety info.

How to Use: Aromatically

Start diffusing – see some of our favorite diffuser recipes.

Smell from the bottle or put a few drops in your hand, rub together and cup over your nose and mouth and inhale deeply.

We recommend this method for emotional support. When Young Living oils are inhaled they are directly linked to the limbic lobe of the brain, the emotional control center.

How to Use: Topically

Before you start, please note that citrus oils are photosensitive. Wait 12 hours after appying topically before sun exposure.

Place 1 or 2 drops into your palms and rub them together and massage into skin (use carrier oils where recommended). You can increase drops as your body becomes accustomed to the oils.

Make sure to dilute with a carrier oil when recommended on the label. DILUTION IS DIFFERENT FOR BABIES/CHILDREN. Always keep a carrier oil handy to dilute oils, when needed. Examples of carrier oils are: olive oil, coconut oil, almond oil, apricot oil, jojoba oil, etc. We recommend using cold-pressed and organic carrier oils. Check out some of our favorite carrier oils.

Start with the bottoms of your feet. It’s the toughest skin, so it is the safest place to introduce oils to your body, especially if you have sensitive skin.  Some of the largest pores are on the bottoms of our feet allowing the oils to enter the bloodstream and cells quickly (approximately 21 seconds).


How to Use: Internally

Add a drop or two to your water to taste (try grapefruit, lemon, or peppermint), make an immunity boosting tea, or add to an empty veggie capsule.

When Will They “Work” & How Often to Use

Pay attention to your body’s response. There is no perfect solution or blend of oils that works for everyone. Everyone has a different body chemistry, so what works for one person may not work for another. Experiment with different combinations until you find what works for you.  You will usually pick up signs (physical or emotional responses) of how you are responding to the oil within 20-30 minutes. From there, you can decide if that would be an ideal oil to continue working with, or if you should consider trying another oil.

Research supports re-applying an essential oil 20-30 minutes when you are not feeling well. The body’s immunity is already under distress and it is necessary to introduce resources in that interval frame to keep it well supported.

On an average day, 3-4 applications in a day are sufficient to support a healthy system. Each application will still serve to increase the body’s electromagnetic frequency and keep it in check at a healthy range.